We are thrilled to share that Professor Wojciech Swieszkowski is part of the Program Committee…

Biofabrication 2022
Biofabrication Conference 2022 was held in Tuscany, Italy – September 25th-28th.09.2022 to mark the actual importance of Biofabrication and Bioprinting.
Prof. Wojciech Swieszkowski was an invited keynote speaker with a talk titled “Microfluidic wet-spinning of soft tissue-specific core-shell hydrogel fibers” and our colleagues had the incredible chance to present their researches with two dedicated posters:
- Multilayer patches for the treatment of corneal perforations caused by infections (Dr. Ewa Kijenska-Gawronska);
- Tuning physical properties of GelMA hydrogels through microarchitecture for engineering osteoid tissue (MSc. Eng. Ewa Walejewska).