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MgSafe Project Farewell Meeting
It was a pleasure to host the MgSafe Farewell meeting at Warsaw University of Technology (WUT).
On September 17-18th 2022, the ESRs partners of MgSafe Consortium had the great opportunity not only to present the summary of their research, but also to share their experience in the frame of the PhD Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (MSCA-ITN) programme.
The main project coordinator, Professor Regine Willumeit-Romer, also attended the meeting in Warsaw. Prof. Wojciech Swieszkowski, dr inz Tomasz Płociński and MSc Diana Martinez were the WUT partners in the consortium, who hosted such intensive farewell meeting.
After scientific presentations, the ESRs spent some time for some Warsaw sightseeing.
Many thanks to all collaborators who made this challenging project an amazing scientific adventure!