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Acronym : BonMetFun
Grant Number : UMO-2020/39 / I / ST5 / 03473 – NCN (call: OPUS-LAP)
Implementation period : 02.11.21 – 01.11.2025
Description: The overall aim of this project is to develop a novel functional three-dimensional ex vivo Bone Metastasis Model, that will allow to investigate the mechanism of cancer (breast, prostate, lung) progression towards bone. By this, the project will focus on engineering of bone organoid consisting of vessel, bone marrow and bone. Therefore, it is proposed that the model recapitulating the structure and biological features of native vascularized bone tissue will be developed using an innovative method of bio fabrication – 3D bioprinting with the use of cell-instructive bio-inks. Multi-biomaterial and multi cell-type 3D printing will be employed to fabricate biomimetic and functional tissues.One important aspects of such engineered tissues for the study of cancer metastasis, is a functional, through vessel-mimicking channel, perfusion establishment. This, comparable to the in vivo situation will serve the nourishing of the tissue, but also will act as a medium for the shipment of circulating tumor cells. Additionally, the blood mononuclear cells, to mimic the blood environment will be incorporated into perfused engineered bone organoid, and as a result, their effect on cancer cells extravasation will be evaluated.Ultimately, the knowledge gained in the field of biomaterials, biofabrication and cell (cancer) biology will provide a stepping stone to establishment of personalized urgently needed platform (here bone metastasis model) for specific drug evaluation.
Cooperation entities:
- Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology
- University of Zurich, Switzerland
Acronym : –
Grant Number : –
Implementation period : –
Magnesium and its alloys have long been used for bioabsorbable medical devices, particularly as implants for fractured bones; however, they suffer from poor corrosion resistance, the excessive release of hydrogen and an increase in pH near the implant. The demands for better bioabsorbable medical devices have focused attention on amorphous Mg-based metallic glasses, which have more corrosion resistance and better strength than crystalline Mg alloys. Although they have good strength, their ductility is still the major obstacle limiting their wide application for medical implants. A breakthrough is expected in the synthesis of hybrid materials, combining metallic-glass precursors in the form of powders and Zn-based crystalline powder as an additional phase. Zn is a bio-absorbable material with an excellent biocompatibility and suitable corrosion rate. In contrast, it suffers from insufficient strength and high creep at 37 °C. There were attempts to produce materials with mixed amorphous/crystalline microstructures and better mechanical properties, especially ductility; however, they used minor additions of Mg-based metallic glasses, containing higher portion of Y, Yb, Cu, Ad, etc., making them unsuitable for medical implants. The project will develop a new, hybrid biodegradable material based on the novel idea of combining Mg-Zn-Ca-(Ag-Sr) metallic glasses with a Zn-based crystalline phase. The resulting materials will give us – in a world first – the mechanical, corrosion and biological performance necessary for truly biodegradable metallic materials that can be used for medical implants. The materials will also be easier to produce, therefore, will be more affordable than their amorphous counterparts, allowing us to have the greatest impact and help as many people as possible with this exciting breakthrough.
The proposed research project is extremely relevant from the basic research point of view, as it will lead to breakthrough results in better mechanical and corrosion properties by creating a new sort of biodegradable material with a hybrid microstructure composed of a glassy phase of Mg-Zn-Ca-(Ag-Sr) and a crystalline Zn-based phase. The results of the project will enhance our understanding of the complexity of the microstructure-dependent mechanical and corrosion properties of these materials and lead to them exhibiting better performance under biological conditions.
Cooperation entities:
- Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology (WUT)
- University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT)
- Institute of Metals and Technology, Slovenia (IMT)
Acronym : –
Number : –
Program/Competition : Young PW
Financing unit : IDUB PW
Project manager : Dr. Eng. Joanna Idaszek
Completion time : 01.04.23 – 31.03.2025
Osteochondral defects are degenerative lesions of articular cartilage and undelaying subchondral bone arose due to injury or illness. Incidence rate thereof is increasing due to more active lifestyle and aging of the population; it is estimated that ~15% of total world population requires treatment of joints. Tissue engineering (TE) emerges as a promising alternative to the surgical treatment strategies used currently.
The aim of this project is to develop photo-curable bioinks for 4D bioprinting of hydrogel scaffolds capable of shape transformation upon in vitro culture. To this end, demineralized and decellularized bone extracellular matrix (dECM) will be decorated with methacrylamide moieties and thoroughly characterized with respect to material properties. Finally, as a proof of concept, the dECM-MA bioinks will be used to create the bony compartment of the osteochondral scaffold, and 4D-bioprinted together with the cartilaginous compartment developed in our previous studies. The multi-material scaffolds will be subsequently subjected to cell-induced spatiotemporal transformation yielding scaffolds with curvatures mimicking natural geometries of the articulating surfaces in the joints.
Cooperation Entitites: PW
Grant : OPUS 505/00964/1090 / 46.000011 – National Science Center
Implementation period : 2021 – 2025
Description : The goal of this project is the development of new tools for the design and manufacturing of 3D porous functionally graded materials (pFGMs) that exhibit tailored mechanical properties, in particular pre-designed energy absorption profiles. It is proposed a new approach toward the design and fabrication of pFGM aimed at i) developing efficient in silico (numerical) modeling of such complex materials enabling the design of porous structures with required mechanical properties, and ii) simplifying / extending the manufacturing procedures.
Cooperation entities:
- Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences – Warsaw, Poland
- Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology
Funding entity: National Centre for Research and Development (Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju – NCBR)
Implementation period: 2023 – 2026
Description: The aim of this project is to develop a novel approach for regeneration of critical-size bone defects in paediatric patients by engineering an immunocompetent stem cells-laden hybrid bone graft utilizing the endochondral ossification pathway. To this end, we will use bone decellularized extracellular matrix (bdECM) as one of the components of the osteoinductive hydrogel. In order to mimic the mechanical properties of cartilage, the hydrogel will be reinforced with PCL-based biodegradable scaffolds fabricated by means of melt electrowriting (MEW) and freeze-extraction techniques, thus, creating a hybrid scaffolds. After thorough characterization of the acellular constructs with respect to mechanical and physiochemical properties, the osteoinductive hydrogels will be combined with immunocompetent stem cells, i.e., universal human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC), and autologous bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC), and subjected to chondrogenic differentiation. The most promising hybrid-scaffold candidates will be studied in vivo to evaluate the ability thereof to induce formation of vascularized bone at ectopic site.
Cooperation entities:
- National Central University, Department of Chemical & Materials Engineering (NCU), Taiwan
- Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Poland (WUT)
Acronym : BioBONE
Number : 0310/L-14/2023
Program/Competition : Leader XIV
Financing unit : NCBR
Project manager : Dr. Eng. Karol Szlązak
Completion time : 2024-2027
Bone cancers occur in humans and animals. They are observed on an increasing scale in domestic pets – especially dogs and cats. In humans, it is an oncological priority due to the high incidence of disease among children. This disease usually infects the facial region and limbs. Current methods of treatment – autografts or bone scaffolds/implants – do not bring measurable effects of bone tissue regeneration. Hence, the main goal of the project is to develop an innovative product for the regeneration of bone tissue defects in oncologically ill humans and animals.
Acronym : –
Funding and Grant: NCN, MINIATURA 8
Implementation period : 2024-2025
Description: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic retinopathy (DR), and cystoid macular edema (CME) are now leading causes of blindness worldwide. A key aspect of treating these conditions is inhibiting uncontrolled blood vessel growth. One of the most commonly used drugs targeting VEGF expression is bevacizumab (BVZ). Intravitreally administered BVZ-loaded microparticles (MPs) made from poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) have shown promise in addressing AMD, though the available experimental data provides an incomplete picture. A new approach has been proposed, using a novel ex vivo model of ocular drug transport that can recreate physiological ocular conditions, allowing for a comprehensive analysis of phenomena such as PLGA microparticle degradation and intraocular drug release and transport
Cooperation entities:
- Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Material Science and Engineering, Warsaw (Poland)
Acronym : MagMAX
Grant : V4-JAPAN / 2/15 / MagMAX / 2022, Visegrad Group (V4) – Japan Joint Research Program of Advanced Materials
Implementation period : 1.09.2022 – 31.01.2025
Description: This project’s primary objective is to provide a transition-driven, science-based methodology for the creation of the next generation of magnesium alloys, containing the LPSO phase, that enables their use in extreme environments. These will accomplish by application opportunity and property requirement analysis, computational materials science and data science calculations, controllable microstructure-property relationship fine-tuning, biocompatible medical device characterization, corrosion science and surface protection, and exhaustive testing for structural and biomedical applications in extreme environments which comprise the primary research methodology. At WUT,
Cooperation entities:
- Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Czech Republic)
- Kumamoto University, Magnesium Research Center (Japan)
- Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of Physics (Hungary)
- Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Material Research, (Slovakia)
- Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Material Science and Engineering, Warsaw (Poland)
Acronym : –
Number : –
Program/Competition : –
Financing unit : Warsaw University of Technology within the Excellence Initiative: Research University (IDUB PW) programme
Project manager : Dr. Eng. Anna Dobkowska
Completion time : 07.2024-12.2025
The use of additive manufacturing for production of biomedical magnesium (Mg) alloys condensed the problems associated with the manufacturing of implants complex shape and geometry using traditional methods (casting, turning etc.). Such approach may significantly reduce manufacturing costs, increase its efficiency and additionally improve properties of the Mg implants. Nevertheless, additive manufacturing of magnesium alloys requires wide understanding of the process and material, especially optimization of parameters which determine properties of the alloy. The project aims to develop an innovative resorbable biomaterial for mandibular bone osteosynthesis plates with a microstructure that will ensure full control of degradation of Mg-Zn-Ca-X alloys produced by laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) with enhanced antibacterial properties.
We will develop the powder atomization method and the parameters for 3D printing of Mg-Zn-Ca and Mg-Zn-Ca-X (x=Ag or Sr) alloys. After LPBF optimization it is expected to produce a material with a unique microstructure with resulting improved mechanical properties (i.e. ductility), controlled degradation rate and enhanced antibacterial properties. The research includes the microstructural characterization of powders and solid materials, as well as the description of the mechanical, corrosion and biological properties of the alloys. The obtained properties will be compared to a reference material.
The innovation of the project will be the development of a biomaterial with properties that will minimize (or even exclude) the formation of mechanical damage and inflammation, which will consequently reduce the number of reoperations for plate anastomoses of mandibular fractures. The scientific novelty of the project is LPBF production of the alloys from the Mg-Zn-Ca systems, doped with elements that enhance antimicrobial properties, which may prove to be a breakthrough in expanding the applicability of Mg-based biomedical alloys.
Cooperation Entitites: PW
Grant : UMO-2021/41 / N / ST5 / 04220 – NCN (type of call: Preludium20)
Implementation period : 20.01.22 – 19.01.2025
Description : This project aims to develop a novel biomaterial-assisted tissue-engineered in vitro model consisting of malignant and healthy bone tissue to investigate the invasion of cancer cells under mechanical stimuli. Thus, to reach the primary goal, the project will be divided into three aims:
Aim 1) To develop and optimize a bone tumor model consisting of 3D osteosarcoma spheroids (SaOS-2), generated by liquid overlay technique and embedded into hydrogel construct. By this, we aim to recreate distinct zones of tumor spheroid encountered in vivo. Simultaneously, Aim 1) gelatin methacrylol with varying stiffness will be used to recapitulate the malignant extracellular matrix by introducing adhesive sites to impose biomaterial-assisted cancer cell invasion in Aim 3; Aim 2) a healthy cancellous bone tissue model, fabricated from tricalcium-phosphate-loaded composites of poly (L-lactide-co-glycolide) and poly (L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) will be established. Precise extrusion deposition will be utilized for scaffolds’ fabrication, designed to allow bone tumor insertion (developed in Aim 1). Additionally, the engineered scaffolds will also be subjected to cyclic mechanical loading to recapitulate strong anabolic signal in the skeleton from mechanical stimuli. After that, the optimized conditions will be used for Aim 3. Cell seeding optimization (normal human osteoblasts and human umbilical vein endothelial cells) and biological evaluation (ie, cell viability, ALP activity, expression of endothelial cell marker) will also be performed. Additionally, a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) will be conducted to detect the early features of osteogenesis. Cell seeding optimization (normal human osteoblasts and human umbilical vein endothelial cells) and biological evaluation (ie, cell viability, ALP activity, expression of endothelial cell marker) will also be performed. Additionally, a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) will be conducted to detect the early features of osteogenesis. Cell seeding optimization (normal human osteoblasts and human umbilical vein endothelial cells) and biological evaluation (ie, cell viability, ALP activity, expression of endothelial cell marker) will also be performed. Additionally, a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) will be conducted to detect the early features of osteogenesis. Aim 3) To establish a hybrid 3D model for invasion testing. At this stage, a model of malignant bone tissue will be inserted into the healthy bone tissue model. The optimized and the best conditions developed in Aim 1 and 2 will be implemented at this stage. The invasion of cancer cells under static and dynamic conditions will be assessed by fluorescence microscopy.
Cooperation entities:
- Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Warsaw (Poland)
Grant Number : POLTUR4 / BIOCANCER / 3/2021 – NCBR
Implementation period : 01.03.22 – 29.02.2024
Description : Survival prognosis for patients with advance breast cancer metastasis are rather poor and the available treatment options are also very limited. In currently available cell culture and laboratory animal-based cancer models, the underlying mechanism of breast cancer cells dissemination and its survival at distant locations is still not clearly identified. Despite unprecedented progress of research in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, simple 3D tissue models that attempt to recapitulate cancer and capillary network, do not use its combination. At that point, there is a pressing need for development of an in vitro platform to investigate complex and pathophysiologically relevant research questions towards the understanding of breast cancer metastatic progression to the distant locations, namely its invasion and intravasation. Here, we propose a cancer intravasation-on-a-chip system allowing tracking of circulating breast cancer tumor cells within a fluidic device that is expected to respond to circulating immune cells. Therefore, the overall objective of this project is to establish a breast cancer intravasation model to test new therapeutic strategies. To reach the project principal, specific, project-related activities will be integrated into four aims:
- To develop 3D breast cancer model , which will be obligatory for intravasation testing in presence of perfused vascular lumen in Aim 3 and Aim 4;
- To establish perfused engineered blood vessel, which will recapitulate biological hollow like structure to study invasion of breast cancer cells in Aim 3 and Aim 4;
- To developed perfused vascularized 3D multi-tissue construct by combining Aim 1 and Aim 2 ;
- To investigate the role of immune cells on breast cancer cell intravasation using developed 3D vascularized cancer model (Aim 3).
The main result of the project, which applies to development of novel breast cancer intravasation model will be of high interest for biomaterials and biomedical companies as for the pharmaceutical industry. It is expected that it will also help in understanding the breast cancer cells interactions with constant changing environment during dissemination and metastasis formation. Furthermore, it could also be used in personalized medicine by selection the most effective treatment for individual patients using patient’s own cells in the 3D model.
Cooperation entities:
- Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology
- Ege University, Izmir (Turkey)
Grant : MAZOWSZE / 0023/19
Implementation period : 02/03/2020 – 28/02/2023
Description: The project aims to develop the structure and to produce by incremental 3D printing SLM (Selective Laser Melting) a series of intraosseous dental implants distinguished from the competition by the possibility of applying biologically active agents directly to the surrounding soft tissues and bone tissue and their substitutes to improve the treatment process. As part of the project, 3D printing parameters will be developed by the method of selective laser melting of technically pure titanium (Ti-CP) and Ti-6Al-4V (Ti Grade 5) alloy for dental implants with a modified architecture (internal structure ) by using open porosity and specially designed internal channels. Open porosity introduced into the design of implants will enable the reduction of Young’s modulus to a value lower than in commercially used solid implants and improve osteoconductivity, and the system of innovative internal channels will enable the delivery of biologically active agents to the diseased tissue, which is not currently available on the market.
Cooperation entities:
- Wychowanski Stomatologia Sp. z o. o. – Leader
- Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology
- MaterialsCare Sp. z o. o
Acronym : MATURO 3D
Grant : TECHMATSTRATEG2 / 407770/2 / NCBR / 2020
Implementation period : 01/05/2020 – 30/04/2023
Description : The main objective of the project is to develop materials from which it will be possible to produce a biodegradable substitute for urethra reconstruction of urethral defects in children and adults. The Biomaterials group (Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology) is responsible for the development of the biomaterials, as well as for the design and fabrication of the prototype of the inner layer of the artificial urethra.
Cooperation entities:
- Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (Leader)
- Warsaw University of Technology; Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering
- Nicolaus Copernicus University; The chemistry department
- Wolf Project Studio / Sygnis
Grant : 2020/37/N/ST5/04137
Implementation period : 22.01.2021 – 21.01.2024
Description : The project aims to develop HAP-ICG particles with contrasting properties for bimodal imaging using X-rays and Near-Infrared fluorescence and to investigate how newly developed HAP-ICG particles will influence the microstructure and properties of PCL-HAP-ICG composite. The proposed systematic study will allow us to establish key factors affecting cell response and stability of contrasting and mechanical properties of PCL-HAP-ICG composite. Moreover, the planned multi-technique study of developed HAP-ICG particles and PCL-HAP-ICG composite will provide new information about materials for bimodal medical imaging.
Cooperation entities:
- Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Warsaw (Poland)
Grant : OPUS.13 2017/25 / B / ST8 / 01599 – NCN
Implementation period : 2018 – 2021
Description : The increased number of cases of osteoporosis, has resulted in a significant increase in the number of bone implant procedures performed recently. The research hypothesis of the proposed project assumes that by combining computer modeling, 3D printing and the process of anodic oxidation of metals, it will be possible to synthesize a new three-dimensional titanium-based biomaterial that will have a structure with complex porosity, both on the micro- and nano-scale, and exhibit the desired mechanical properties.
Cooperation entities:
- Jagiellonian University – Krakow, Poland
- Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology
Acronym : CorPatch
Grant : POLTUR4 / CorPatch / 1/2021 – NCBiR – Polish-Turkish / Turkish-Polish 4th Call for Proposals
Implementation period : 01/02/2021 – 31/01/2024
Description: Microbial keratitis is a devastating vision-threatening ocular disease requiring immediate broadspectrumantimicrobial treatment to prevent scarring, corneal perforation and / or endophthalmitis.Therapy for the perforation disorders and degeneration processes has seen limited progress becauseof its degenerative nature and unrelenting course. The healing of a disrupted cornea is extremely protracted, due to limited regeneration capacity. Also, one of the greatest challenges in the treatment of secondary perforation is to overcome microbial infections and to obtain the optimal condition for keratoplasty. Conventional approaches based on mechanical removal of infected tissuedo not guarantee the infection is over, also scaring may occur, resulting with secondary infection andndegeneration of permanent donor cornea graft. Therefore, it strategies becomes necessary to develop a new treatment based on bioactive dressings enriched with drugs and inhibitors. Based on the previous experience of the Partners, literature studies and the preliminary result, the methodology has been defined to achieve the main goal of the project, which is the development of a novel hybrid multilayer corneal temporary patch (synthetic origin), that would allow for localized and controlled delivery of biological factors (drugs and quorum inhibitors) to the cornea perforation site.
Cooperation entities:
- Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Warsaw (Poland)
- Marmara University (Turkey)
Acronym : BIOEXPLO
Grant : LIDER 0078 / L-11/2019
Implementation period : 1.01.2021 – 31.12.2023
Description: The project consists in developing a modern technology for the production of a new generation of titanium implants for stabilizing bone fractures. The key element of the project is the production of biocompatible composite tiles and intramedullary nails made of pure titanium (Ti-CP) used for bone reconstruction, by using a unique and innovative method of explosive deformation. Thanks to the applied technology, the developed medical devices will be characterized by unique biocompatibility, lack of alloy additives, high mechanical strength, and lower weight. The use of titanium (Ti-CP), in which the strength properties will be obtained without the use of alloying elements, will reduce the cost of material by eliminating the need for expensive, deficient and cytotoxic elements such as aluminum, niobium, tantalum or zirconium. Moreover, it will significantly increase the utility by enhancing biocompatibility. The increased strength obtained by the explosion deformation will reduce the diameter of the bolts, and thus reduce the diameter of the holes drilled in the bone, necessary for fixation of the nail. This will reduce bone destruction and increase its stability and regeneration rate in the case of temporary implants.
Cooperation entities:
- Warsaw University of Technology
- UCB Pharma Sp. z o. o
Acronym : BIO-GNET
Grant : Operational Program 2014-2020 (OP IE), Axis IV: Increasing the research potential, Action 4.4: Increasing the human potential in the R&D sector, TEAM-NET program.
Implementation period : 01/10/2019 – 30/06/2023
Description : The main subject of the project research concern the use of microorganisms to search for innovative solutions in modern technologies, especially in the design and manufacture of new, mixed nanocomposite, porous materials (metal-protein type). The overall objective of this project is biosynthesis and characterization of new materials properties based on zinc and silver oxide nanoparticles and biosilica doped with transition metal ions. In the next stage of the research methods that allow their physicochemical characteristics and, consequently, their application in medical devices, cosmetics, household chemistry and the food industry will also be used.
Cooperation entities:
- Warsaw University of Technology
- Nicolaus Copernicus University
- University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań
- University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
- Bialystok Technical University
- University of Szczecin
Acronym : BioMotion
Grant : PLTW / VI / 3/2019
Implementation period : 01/02/2019 – 31/05/2023
Description : In the Biomotion project a novel microfluidic-based approach has been used for the 3D biofabrication of the myotendinous junction. Specifically, multiple naturally derived biomaterials and multiple cell types (skeletal muscle and tendon progenitors) have been employed for engineering the complex heterogeneous structure.
Cooperation entities:
- Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology
- Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University
Acronym : Nonwovens
Grant : POIR.01.01.01-00-1246 / 20 – Fast track 5 / 1.1.1 / 2020
Implementation period : 10/10/2020 – 03/06/2023
Description: The project aims to develop technology for the multilayered nonwoven fabric production with the external layer showing antiseptic properties. This layer contains particles in the polymer matrix fiber that combines antispetic properties of silver and copper ions, cytostatic properties of ZnO and catalytic ones of TiO2. Additionally, the effective interaction of Ag + and Cu2 + ions with microbes is possible in aqueous environment provided by hydrophilic Surface, containing ZnO and TiO2 particles, strenghtened by plasma or corona discharge in water containing atmosphere. The external composite layer of nonwoven fabrics will be deposited on hydrophobic supporting layer. The electrospinning, melt-blown and spunbond production techniques will be used for fabrication of the fabrics’ layers depending on their functions. The melt-blown method allowing for hydrophobic filtration fabrics production will be applied for the supporting layer fabrication. The internal fabrics layer will be made with the use of spunbond technology. Several options of the nonwoven fabrics are planned for different purposes. An important part of the research will be development of reliable biological tests for antiseptic properties of the nonwoven fabrics. The production technology of variable multilayered nonwoven fabrics showing virucidal, germicidal and fungicidal properties will be the project result. The nonwoven fabrics will be utilized for personal protective equipment, antispetic HEPA filters of different classes for application in air conditioning systems and in construction fleece fabrics.
Cooperation entities:
- Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Warsaw (Poland)
- HPT Innovation Sp. z o. o
- CENTERA – Center for Terahertz Research and Applications
Acronym : DISCOUNT
Grant : POIR.04.01.04-00-0007 / 17-00
Implementation period : 01/02/2020 – 31/01/2023
Description: The main goal of the project is to develop a commercialization-ready working prototype of the Disc Repair System, dedicated to the treatment of intervertebral disc injuries. The components of the system are: a bioactive fibrous dressing for stabilization and regeneration of the annulus fibrousus, a dressing attachment mechanism, polymer capsules that restore the biofunctional parameters of the nucleus pulposus, and surgical instrumentation. The dressing will be a fiber mesh of biocomposite fibers (bioabsorbable / non-absorbable material) attached to the bone of adjacent vertebral bodies. Injectable swollen polymer capsules for restoring functions of the nucleus pulposus will be made of natural polymers (alginate, chitose, collagen) or synthetic ones, eg copolymers of acrylic acid and acrylamide or poloxamers. Treatment will also include an intra-disc transfer of intervertebral disc suspension containing autologous mesenchymal stem cells and cell nourishing structures (eg polymer nanofibres secreting cell growth factors). All dressing components and polymer capsules will comply with ISO 10993-5 and ISO 10993-12 standards.
Cooperation entities:
- Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Warsaw (Poland)
- Center for Advanced Materials and Technologies (CEZAMAT), Warsaw (Poland)
- GP Bionics Sp. z o. o