Prof Wojciech Swieszkowski in World’s TOP 2% Scientists 2023
We are proud to announce that our group leader has been included in the prestigious World’s TOP 2% Scientists 2023 ranking, as recognized by Stanford University in collaboration with Elsevier and SciTech Strategies.
This achievement is not only a testament to the global influence of our group leader’s work but also highlights the significance of the research efforts of our entire team in the biomedical engineering field. We are honored to be part of this scientific community and continue to strive for excellence in our contributions to the advancement of knowledge.
The list, which highlights the authors of the most cited scientific publications globally, includes 77 distinguished academics from the Warsaw University of Technology, marking an increase of 18 individuals compared to the previous year. This recognition reflects the high impact and dedication of scientists across various fields.
More info can be found here: