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PhD Studies

Typically, the PhD career entails students independently conducting original and substantial research in a particular field or subject, culminating in a thesis that is suitable for publication. The education of doctoral students in the discipline of Materials Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology takes place as part of the Doctoral School.

For information about pursuing PhD studies within the BioMaterials Group, please use our contact form.


Interns are key people for the Biomaterials Team. They gain experience in specific research topics while providing fundamental work on target projects, cooperating with a supervisor and a tutor who address the person to achieve the proposed scientific goals.

For information about currently available internships and possibile collaborations for Master/Bachelor students in the same frame, please use our contact form.


The Master’s degree of Biomaterials is a 3-semester program run by Warsaw University of Technology at the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, with an annual intake for students. The second-cycle studies starts in October. The academic path includes a group of mandatory subjects and a group of elective courses.

Second-cycle studies end with the defense of the Master’s thesis, thus obtaining the title of Master of Science in Materials Engineering of the selected specialization.

For more information, you can visit the official page of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering.


The first-cycle studies – engineering discipline – last 7 semesters and end with the defense of an engineering diploma thesis. The graduate obtains the title of an engineer in the field of Material Engineering.

Among the subjects led in collaboration with the Biomaterials Group: Mechanics of biomaterials, 3D printing techniques, Research Project – Functional Materials.

For more information, you can visit the official page of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering.

List of Available Master Thesis 2024/2025

Supervisor: Dr. Eng. Joanna Idaszek 
Tutors: N/A

Short description: The aim of this work is to fabricate 3D polycaprolactone (PCL) porous scaffolds by means of freeze-extraction and additive manufacturing. The scaffolds will be later combined with hydrogel derived from bone decellularized extracellular matrix (dECM).
Laboratory work will include manufacturing of the scaffolds and characterization of their morphology (SEM), mechanical properties and degradation behaviour (change of mass, molecular weight, crystallinity). Subsequently, the PCL scaffolds will be infused with dECM-based sol. The obtained PCL/dECM hydrogel scaffolds will be characterized with respect to mechanical properties, swelling behaviour and degradation. Finally, biological properties of the scaffolds will be evaluated in vitro using basic bioacceptance assays.

Additional material/Note: N/A
Implementation time: the laboratory work can start in december 2024

Supervisor: Prof Wojciech Swieszkowski 
Tutors: M.Sc. Eng. Pasquale Posabella

Short descriptionThe student will work on the design of bone tissue engineering scaffolds using a pre-existing design algorithm. Using finite element analyses and machine learning (ML) algorithms, the aim is to optimise the mechanical properties of porous architectures, tuning their internal architecture. First, a FE model will be developed to predict the mechanical properties of porous structures (e.g., absorbed energy). Secondly, an ML tool will be developed to understand the relationship between the structure and function of the porous structures, aimed at optimisation for load-bearing applications.

NOTE: Basic programming skills are mandatory.
Implementation time: The work can start anytime.

For more information, please contact us.