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Second MagMAX hybrid meeting in Warsaw
Yesterday, we had the pleasure to host the second MagMAX hybrid meeting at the Faculty of Material Science and Engineering – Warsaw University of Technology.
The MagMAX partners from Kumamoto University, Japan (Prof. Yoshihito Kawamura, Prof. Shinji Ando, Prof. Shinya Inoue, and PhD candidate Soya Nishimoto) and Charles University, Czech Republic (Prof. Máthis Kristián and Daria Drozdenko (Ph.D.)) had the opportunity to visit our lab (Wołoska building) on 22-03-2023. Dr. inz. Tomasz Płociński provided our guests a guided tour of the microscope rooms, and dr. inz. Rafał Wróblewski, Dean of Student Affairs, gave a talk introducing the Faculty.

In the afternoon, Professor Swieszkowski joined the meeting and Professor Kawamura delivered a talk regarding “KUMADAI Magnesium Alloys”, which was followed by Soya Nishimoto’s presentation on “Tensile and Fracture Toughness Behavior of Mg-Zn-Y-Al Alloys”. Afterwards, Anna Dobkowska, Diana Martínez, Ola Zielińska, and Marlene González delivered scientific presentations concerning MagMAX research.
Online participants included Dr. Jenó Gubicza from Eotvos Loránd University and Prof. Frantiek Lofaj from the Slovak Academy of Sciences.
At the end of the day, MagMAX partners visited the Polin Museum and spent some time in Warsaw for sightseeing.
The meeting concluded with a traditional Polish dinner in the city centre of Warsaw.